special interest groups (SIGs)
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a core part of the overarching structure of NFDI4Ing. SIGs are thematically focussed workgroups that are established for a limited amount of time. They serve as a means to share and pool knowledge on a given topic, to synchronise efforts, and in general to bring everyone working on that particular topic to the same level. They guarantee the interaction and knowledge transfer across the boundaries of individual task areas.
Depending on the scope of the topic, some SIGs are expected to be active during the whole funding period (e.g. the SIG metadata & ontologies), while other SIGs may only be active for a few months. Some SIGs may call in additional subject experts from different backgrounds (i.e. industry or other research areas), while others are strictly comprised of NFDI4Ing members. SIG leaders are free to shape the structure and roster to best accomplish the specific goals of their SIG.
Unlike the individual task areas, which are focused on active research and development, SIGs are a tool for communication and synchronisation across the boundaries of task areas and even the NFDI4Ing consortium. They are not expected to provide solutions or finished results, but to support the other task areas in achieving those goals.
Currently, the following SIGs are active: