Measure metadata & terminology services enters next phase of development
The NFDI4Ing measure metadata and terminology services is entering its next phase of development.
The NFDI4Ing measure metadata and terminology services is entering its next phase of development.
The first meeting of the Community Board of the Community Cluster “Systems Engineering, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology” (CC-44) took place on 24 May 2022. The exchange on community-specific issues and practices of research data management served to sharpen the fields of action and needs in community work within NFDI4Ing.
On June 24th, the Hessian Research Data Infrastructures initiative (HeFDI) will host their annual research data day. The agenda consists of five parallel tracks with
On June 23, NFDI4Ing is part of the virtual NFDI Satellite Event at the Joint Conference of Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2022.
On 9 and 10 June 2022, the 1st NFDI4Earth Plenary Meeting will take place in Dresden.
The workshop is aimed at institutional research infrastructure managers, librarians and researchers who are engaged in setting up infrastructure services within their institutions and through collaborations or would like to get an overview of current developments.
In the NFDI4Ing Base Service S-4, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, RWTH Aachen University, Technical University of Darmstadt and University of Stuttgart are working together on curating, facilitating and improving access to research data repositories and storage systems for engineers.
Many researchers struggle with the complexity of RDM. The NFDI4Ing Task Area Frank aims to simplify RDM for researchers by supporting them with needed RDM knowledge, specific decision support along the RDM process and tooltips for their current RDM-step.
We are delighted to invite everyone interested in the current status and future outlook of research data management in engineering science to the 2nd annual NFDI4Ing conference taking place on October 26 & 27, 2022.
SciMesh is Caden’s RDF graph topology to map scientific results onto a knowledge graph. In Caden, we use SciMesh as a standard to map content of an ELN to a data format that can be read by other ELNs. An unsolved problem has been how to deal with processes that involve more than one specimen, or with subprocesses. We addressed this problem by adding so-called “concurrents” to SciMesh.