NFDI4Ing is running a community survey on the state of research data management (RDM) in the engineering sciences. You can participate in the survey by following this link:
One of the goals of the survey is to tailor the consortium’s services precisely to the needs of engineers. To obtain a detailed picture of the state of RDM in the individual engineering disciplines, we hope for numerous participants from all fields of engineering.

Fig. 1: Illustration of a survey by iKrUeMeL on Pixabay
The first online survey of the NFDI4Ing consortium in 2019 gained a lot of support from you, our community. A total of 701 questionnaires were answered, 618 of which were completed in whole. You can find the results from 2019 by following this link. We would like to build on the success of 2019 with this year’s survey and hope for your support. We are pursuing several goals with our annual online surveys. First, we would like to obtain a detailed and up-to-date picture of the status quo of research data management in the various engineering communities. Second, we would like to use the opportunity to learn more about your needs and requirements regarding RDM services, so that we can adjust our service portfolio or the scope of individual services accordingly, if needed. Additionally, recurring surveys help us to evaluate and question ourselves and our progress in achieving our goal of providing targeted support for engineers in dealing with your research data. You can participate in the survey by following this link: |
J. Linxweiler