NFDI e.V. Onboarding Event
To introduce new members into the larger NFDI context, the NFDI Directorate hosts its own onboarding event on March 15th, 2023 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. The event will be held in English. Read more…
To introduce new members into the larger NFDI context, the NFDI Directorate hosts its own onboarding event on March 15th, 2023 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. The event will be held in English. Read more…
On Friday, March 3rd, the working group Identity & Access Management (IAM) of the NFDI Section Common Infrastructures is hosting a workshop on IAM basics from 1 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. The workshop is intended as an introductory event. Read more…
NFDI4Ing cordially invites you to participate with a contribution on this years conference! The motto of the NFDI4Ing conference 2023 is “Innovation in Research Data Management: Bridging the gaps between disciplines and opening new perspectives for research in engineering science”.
The international online journal ing.grid is now accepting submissions addressing FAIR data management in engineering sciences. With an open access policy, the journal bridges a gap in the field, offering a platform and recognition for sound scientific practice in generating research data, developing reusable tools for processing that data and curating the data to make it findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR).
Getting and staying in touch with the community is the essence of NFDI4Ing. That’s why the consortium offers a broad variety of exchange formats like community meetings, conferences, and workshops. To meet the needs of the community, we continuously work to improve our engagement processes.
It was a close contest, but in the end two nominees prevailed in the NFDI4Ing Awards 2022 against 41 other contributors. We happily congratulate the winners, Wendy (Pengyin) Shan from the University of Alberta Library in Canada, and Rory Macneil from Edinburgh, Scotland. The awards were endowed with 500€ each, sponsored by the WZL Aachen Stiftung.
Virtually all scientific output is communicated through text publications, only suitable for humans and precluding searches beyond simple text matching. By contrast, SciMesh disseminates results as machine-actionable, comprehensive knowledge graphs.
This year, NFDI4Ing participates in the international #LoveDataWeek with multiple events. Read more…
The NFDI4Ing Task Area DORIS designs transferable research-data management concepts and tools for data from high-performance measurement and computation (HPMC), enables, and supports the community to apply these solutions. In order to standardize and facilitate RDM for our peer group, we provide support for the complete data life cycle.
The next NFDI4Ing community meeting will be on November 30th, 2022. Its target audience are scientists and practitioners working in materials science and connected fields of engineering.