Thermal and process engineering: NFDI4Ing community board established!
In a first meeting, leading scientists in the field of thermal engineering and process engineering met online to establish a NFDI4Ing community board.
In a first meeting, leading scientists in the field of thermal engineering and process engineering met online to establish a NFDI4Ing community board.
You are interested in mechanical or production engineering and in topics related to data management? Then the Community Meeting of the CC-41 is the perfect place to inform yourself about (research) data management in this subject area!
In our task area (TA) BASE SERVICES, we work on providing subject and application-specific standardised metadata services and on supporting their integration into engineering workflows. Our first demonstrators and minimal viable products are ready for testing.
The task area (TA) BETTY envisions a future in which the engineering sciences produce validated, high-quality software that can be reused and extended. Betty wants to identify and provide the missing tools, teaching material and recommendations.
ALEX is all about bespoke, one-of-a-kind physical or virtual experiments. Robust data management before and after the experiment is essential to make research FAIR. Get to know the newest approaches currently under development in ALEX!