nfdi4ingevent Archives - Page 7 of 10 - NFDI4Ing

1st Digital User Meeting at TU Clausthal

The workshop’s main language will be German. Check out the programme here. English summary: On 17.03.2021, the 1st digital eLabFTW user meeting will take place at TU Clausthal starting at 1 pm. One aim of this meeting is, of course, to network the different user groups at TU Clausthal in order to make different approaches … Continued

Creation of data management plans and use of DMP tools in the German Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

The workshop’s main language will be German. Check out the programme here. English summary: The steering group of the RDMO working group (, together with the NFDI Directorate and the NFDI4Ing consortium, would like to invite you to actively participate in the virtual workshop “Creation of data management plans and use of DMP tools in … Continued

NFDI4Ing Forum: Joint web seminar on January 19th, 2021 – Ontologies in Science and Technology

Materials (talks) Ontologies can help describe research objects, processes and results in a way that not only humans, but also machines can understand and work with. This opens up amazing possibilities for finding, using and integrating research results. The NFDI Consortia NFDI4Ing, NFDI4Cat, and NFDI4Chem would like to invite you to a web seminar introducing … Continued

git and GitLab basics workshop

In a typical research process, different versions of files are created over time and must be documented well and traceably. The open source software GitLab allows hosting and managing Git repositories where code and, beyond that, almost any kind of file can be tracked. In addition, GitLab offers features such as issue tracking, wiki or … Continued

Gone virtual: Two-day NFDI metadata workshop on July 2-3rd, 2020

The aim of the workshop is to explore ways to maximise interoperability between the discipline-specific metadata that the respective consortia will use in order to document and enrich their research data. Following this general objective and in the spirit of the Berlin Declaration, representatives of all NFDI consortia from the first call for proposals are … Continued

NFDI4Ing Forum: Data Curation 1×1 for Engineering Libraries

Materials (presentation) Information facilities and libraries in the engineering sciences are nowadays caught between their existing library services and new, mostly digital, fields of activity. One of these digital fields of activity is support for research data management. Research data is created in the engineering sciences by a wide variety of different scenarios: This includes … Continued