Downloads - NFDI4Ing


Table of Contents

information materials


NFDI4Ing Seed Funds

We will accept proposals for the next round of the NFDI4Ing Seed Fund programme from July 15th 2023 until September 30th 2023. Funding will then be available from January 1st 2024 at the earliest. You can find documents outlining the goals and requirements of the programme below. If you have any questions, please contact us at

NFDI4Ing Seed Funds – Ausschreibung 2024_DE (German)
July 03rd, 2023

NFDI4Ing Seed Funds – Call 2024_EN (English)
July 03rd, 2023

Template NFDI4Ing Seed Funds 2024_DE (.docx, German)
July 03rd, 2024

Template NFDI4Ing Seed Funds 2024_EN (.docx, English)
July 03rd, 2024


public data sets, workshop materials, presentations

NFDI4Ing Community Surveys

The yearly NFDI4Ing survey is up and running. Below you can find the full list of questions and a slide to advertise the survey in all engineering-related groups.

NFDI4Ing Umfrage 2022 – Fragenkatalog (German)
November 09th, 2022

NFDI4Ing Survey 2022 – catalogue of questions (English)
November 09th, 2022

NFDI4Ing Umfrage 2022 – Werbefolie (German)
November 09th, 2022

NFDI4Ing Survey 2022 – advertisement (English)
November 09th, 2022

Survey data – “NFDI4Ing – Rückmeldung aus den Forschungscommunities” (German)
September 2019


NFDI4Ing conferences & community meetings

Materials (talks & slides) from NFDI4Ing’s 2nd community meeting
22 January 2021

NFDI4Ing News archive