RDMO – a tool for data management planning

Link to the service


Detailed description of the service 

Requirements for research data management are diverse and early planning is important to ensure high quality and FAIR research data at the end of a project. The Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) supports this planning process and documents RDM measures for reporting or collaboration during the project. The service is particularly interesting for researchers in preparation for a grant application, since funder requirements on research data management have increased in recent years. For large collaborations or institutions, it provides collaboration features and a rights and role management that data stewards or similar roles can utilize to maintain an overview on the research data at all times.

The NFDI4ING RDMO service provides two questionnaires, in RDMO called “catalogs”, for different purposes: The NFDI4ING template is for general planning of research data management measures for all kinds of research data and methods. It is based on the DFG checklist for research data management and offers specific guidance and examples for researchers in engineering sciences. It can be used regardless of whether you are applying for DFG funding or just want to generally plan your data management. The second one focusses on research software and offers help to plan the development and maintenance. Different application classes for small scripts up to community-based software packages determine the respective scope of the questionnaire according to the researchers needs.

RDMO allows to invite other users to projects to collaborate and to version projects as snapshots. After completing the interview, the data management plan can be exported in different formats, e.g. to be further processed for your grant application or sharing and publication. For advanced users, automatization and scripting is possible by utilizing the RDMO API.

Terms of use & restrictions

Use of the service is free-of-charge, it is open for everyone interested in planning their research data management with a focus on engineering-specific projects. Registration is required in order to use the service. An account is automatically created by logging in.
Terms of use (German only): https://rdmo.nfdi4ing.de/docs/Nutzungsbedingungen/




publications that reference (or report on using) the service

Hastik, C., Windeck, J., & Schönau, S. (2023). FDM4Ing Community Meeting CC-42: Introduction in RDM and using RDMO for your engineering projects. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10262633






NFDI4ING services may be relevant to different users according to varying requirements. To support filtering or sorting, we added a tag system outlining which archetype, phase of the data lifecycle, or degree of maturity a service corresponds to. By clicking on one of the tags below, you can get an overview of all services aligned with each tag.

This service has the following tags:

The tags correspond to:
The Archetypes: Services relevant to Alex – Bespoke Experiments, Betty – Research Software Engineering, Caden – Provenance Tracking, Doris – High Performance Computing, Ellen – Complex Systems, Fiona – Data Re-Use and Enrichment

The data lifecycle: Services related to Informing & Planning, Organising & Processing, Describing & Documenting, Storing & Computing,
Finding & Re-Using, Learning & Teaching

The maturity of the service: Services sorted according to their maturity and status of their integration into the larger NFDI service landscape. For this we use the Integration Readiness Level (IRL), ranging from IRL0 (no specifications, strictly internal use) up to IRL4 (fully integrated in the German research data landscape and the EOSC). Click here for a diagram outlining all Integration Readiness Levels.