Short description of the service
GitLab is an open-source-software to host and manage own Git-repositories. Besides the main task of the code-management other functions like a simple issue-tracking-system, a wiki and also an option to review codes are covered. With this GitLab supports the developer, who increase the quality of the developed program codes.
Terms of use & restrictions
NFDI4ING provides a GitLab instance with enterprise features to spread best practices in RSE. This particular service is expected to end in 2025, since many federal states set up central instances in recent years. The discipline specific service as part of NFDI4ING will be handed over to statewide infrastructures. We will update this page once more in-depth information is available.
Marius Politze,
publications that reference (or report on using) the service
M.A. Cyra, M. Politze, H. Timm, A push for better RDM: Erfahrungsbericht aus dem Einsatz von git für Forschungsdaten, Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement (2022).
Politze, H. Timm, M. Cyra, Einstieg ins Forschungsdatenmanagement mit git und GitLab, (2020).
Flemisch, D. Gläser, M. Politze, Metadaten und wo sie zu finden sind & Automatisierung, Qualitätssicherung, Zeitpläne: Praxiseinsatz für den GitLab Runner, (2020). (accessed July 31, 2024).