Dies ist die Konferenzseite des NFDI4Ing Community Meetings CC-41 im Frühling 2022.
Zum Community Meeting im Herbst 2022 geht es hier: https://nfdi4ing.de/events/communitymeeting_cc-41_2022-herbst
Community Meeting des Maschinenbaus und der Produktionstechnik (CC-41)
Alles auf einen Blick | Everything at a glance
Wann? | 3. März 2022, von 9:00 bis 17:00 Uhr |
Wo? | Online |
Wer? | Alle Interessierten, speziell aus den Fachbereichen Maschinenbau und Produktionstechnik |
Was? | Themen rund um FDM in den Fachbereichen Maschinenbau und Produktionstechnik |
When? | March 3rd, 2022, between 9AM and 5PM |
Where? | Online |
Who? | Everyone interested, especially from the faculties of mechanical and production engineering |
What? | Topics regarding RDM in mechanical and production engineering |
Data is the commodity of the future. In research, FAIR data, data quality and research data management (RDM) are therefore experiencing a steady increase in importance. Likewise, in industry it is important to collect, structure and evaluate data.
Mit den NFDI4Ing Community Meetings bringen wir Forschung und Industrie zusammen zum Austausch, gegenseitigen Lernen und Vernetzen. Um der Vielfältigkeit der Ingenieurwissenschaften gerecht zu werden, fokussieren wir uns hier auf die Community im Maschinenbau und der Produktionstechnik (CC-41).The NFDI4Ing Community Meetings bring together research and industry for exchange, mutual learning and networking. In order to fulfill the diversity of the engineering sciences, this community meeting focuses on the community in mechanical engineering and production technology (CC-41).
Erfahren Sie mehr über aktuelle Entwicklungen des Forschungsdatenmanagements in unseren Themenblöcken "Get a grip on RDM" und "Metadata, Workflows and Ontologies" . Die Veranstaltung ist ebenfalls in diese beiden Slots geteilt, sodass zu jeder Zeit zwei Vorträge stattfinden, jeweils zu einem der beiden Themenblöcke zugehörig. Was Sie in den einzelnen Themenblöcken erwartet können Sie der folgenden Übersicht entnehmen. Darüber hinaus finden Sie ausklappbare Abstracts der Beiträge, indem Sie Beitragstitel mit dem ▶ Symbol anklicken.Learn more about the current activities on research data management in our topic segments "Get a grip on RDM" and "Metadata, Workflows and Ontologies" . The whole event is divided into these two slots, so there will be two talks at any given time, each associated with one of the two topic segments. What you can expect in the individual topic segments can be seen in the following overview. Additionally we have added fold-out abstracts to the contributions. You can find these by klicking the contribution topics with the ▶ symbol.
Get a grip on RDM
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) und Sektionen
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and sections
Learn more about the cross-topic collaborations within NFDI4Ing as well as the sections that span the entire NFDI. In this slot the topics of RDM Quality Assurance, RDM Training as well as legal and ethics aspects are discussed.
FDM Anwendungsfälle aus den Exzellenzclustern der CC-41
RDM Use Cases in the clusters of excellence of CC-41
FDM in practice will be presented in two exciting use cases: In its workshop, the Internet of Production Excellence Cluster wants to find out what discipline-specific and application-oriented data management plans can look like. Here, the community is called upon to participate! Subsequently, the Cluster of Excellence Fuel Science Center will present the FSC platform, a tool that is used in practice.
Bisher kaum bekannte/ genutzte Tools für die Unterstützung der Forschung
Previously little known/used tools to support research.
Learn in this slot about tools that could help your research. In production engineering, there are also experiments that need to be documented. Electronic lab books are currently hardly used in the CC-41 community, but can be very helpful here. The same is true for the data repository search engine re3data, where CC-41 is hardly represented. We want to change that!
Metadata, Workflows and Ontologies
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) und Sektionen
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and sections
This slot adresses cross-application collaborations within NFDI4Ing and beyond. Here topics like terminologies, metadata, ontologies, workflows and infrastructures are presented.
Von Terminologien zu Metadaten-Nutzung
From Terminologies to metadata usage
In three consecutive presentations, the Terminology Service will be introduced first, which is used in the AIMS platform. With AIMS on the other hand, application profiles can be created based on existing metadata standards. The data repository Coscine uses those to provide metadata. This results in a toolchain that builds on each other and strives to deliver real value in RDM.
Ontology Prime Time
Ontology Prime Time
Prime Time at the Community Meeting: The "Ontologies Experts Group" of the Cluster of Excellence Internet of Production and fairsharing.org introduce themselves. A must for all ontology fans!
Sonderausgabe | Special issue
Übergreifende Spezialthemen
Overarching special topics
Alle, die sich schon hinreichend über die NFDI4Ing und ihre Aktivitäten informiert haben finden in diesem Beitragstripel Spezialthemen zu dem Journal ing.grid, den FAIR Data Spaces und Hardware.
For those of you who are already well informed about NFDI4Ing and its activities, this trio of articles includes special topics on the ing.grid journal, FAIR Data Spaces, and hardware.
High noon
FDM Anwendungsfälle aus der CC-41
RDM Use Cases in CC-41
FDM zum anfassen gibt es bei diesen drei spannenden Use-Cases!
Get in touch with RDM and our three exiting Use Cases!
High noon
Von Terminologien zu Metadaten-Nutzung
From Terminologies to Metadata-Usage
In drei aufeinanderfolgenden Vorträgen wird zuerst der Terminology Service vorgestellt, welcher später in AIMS eingebunden werden soll. AIMS selbst soll in Coscine anwendung finden. Somit ergibt sich eine Toolchain, die aufeinander Aufbaut und bestrebt ist, einen echten Mehrwert zu liefern.
In three consecutive presentations, the Terminology Service will be introduced first, which will later be integrated into AIMS. AIMS itself will be applied in Coscine. This results in a toolchain that builds on each other and strives to deliver real value in RDM.
Data dawn at dusk
Es gibt kein "Zu viel FDM"
There is no such thing as "too much RDM"
Sie können nicht genug von FDM kriegen? Erfahren Sie mehr über die Möglichkeiten, sich über FDM zu informieren und auszutauschen!
Not enough RDM for your liking? Find out about other offers regarding RDM information and networking!
Data dawn at dusk
Ontology Prime Time
Ontology Prime Time
Prime Time im Community Meeting: Die Ontologies Experts Group des IoP und fairsharing.org stellen sich vor. Ein Muss für alle Ontologie-Fans!
Prime Time at the Community Meeting: The Ontologies Experts Group of the IoP and fairsharing.org introduce themselves. A must for all ontology fans!
The CC-41 2022 Community Meeting comes along with the following program of presentations, workshops and networking opportunities:
Thursday, March 3rd, 2022
All times in CET
08:45 – 09:00 Uhr
🎫 Ankommen und virtueller Check-In | Arrival and virtual Check-In
09:00 – 09:15 Uhr
Begrüßung und Vorstellung des Programms | Welcoming and Introduction to the agenda
» Tobias Hamann, Mario Moser (NFDI4Ing Community Cluster CC-41)
(15 Min, )
09:15 – 09:45 Uhr
Neue Werkzeuge für nachhaltige Produktionsforschung
» Prof. Robert Schmitt (Sprecher NFDI4Ing)
(30 Min, )
09:45 – 10:15 Uhr
Vorstellung und Update zur NFDI4Ing | Presentation and Update regarding NFDI4Ing
» Mario Moser (NFDI4Ing Community Cluster CC-41)
(30 Min, )
10:15 – 10:30 Uhr
☕ Pause | Break
10:30 – 12:00 Uhr
Derzeitige Aktivitäten in der NFDI4Ing: Special Interest Groups (SIGs) der NFDI4Ing und Sektionen der NFDI e.V.
Current Activities in the NFDI4Ing: Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of the NFDI4Ing and sections of the NFDI e.V.
Cross-topic collaborations within and beyond NFDI4Ing
10:30 - 11:00 Uhr
SIG FDM Training
» Manuela Richter
(30 Min, )
11:00 - 11:30 Uhr
SIG Quality Assurance & FAIR Metriken
» Iryna Mozgova
(30 Min, )
11:30 - 11:45 Uhr
Sektion EduTrain (Training & Education)
» Manuela Richter
(15 Min, )
11:45 - 12:00 Uhr
Sektion ELSA (Ethical, Legal & Social Aspects)
» Griscka Petri
(15 Min, )
Cross-application collaborations within and beyond NFDI4Ing
10:30 - 11:00 Uhr
SIG Workflow Tools
» Dennis Gläser
(30 Min, )
11:00 - 11:30 Uhr
SIG Metadata & Ontologies
» Susanne Arndt
(30 Min, )
11:30 - 11:45 Uhr
Sektion Common Infrastructures
» Dr. Sonja Schimmler
(15 Min, )
11:45 - 12:00 Uhr
Sektion Meta(daten), Terminologien und Provenienz
» Dr. Rainer Stotzka
(15 Min, )
Cross-topic collaborations within and beyond NFDI4Ing
SIG FDM Training
Research data management (RDM) training and data literacy education is a crosscutting topic within NFDI4Ing and beyond the consortium. While a variety of materials and concepts already exist, it is challenging to select and adapt them to the needs of the engineering community.
The SIG RDM training & education serves to facilitate communication between archetypes, base services and community clusters (CCs) within NFDI4Ing. It also connects to the developments in the NFDI section „Training & Education“ as well as other cross-regional initiatives on RDM training. By creating a channel for communication with the community, the SIG aims to support the measures S-6/CC-2 in their goal of utilization, evaluation and adaptation of materials and concepts for basic RDM training according to the needs of the engineering sciences. Quelle ↗
» Manuela Richter
(30 Min,

SIG Quality Assurance & FAIR Metriken
The SIG quality assurance and metrics for FAIR data provides and discusses standards, metrics and guidelines for organizing data curation based on existing best practices and the FAIR data principles. The SIG focuses on challenges and applications of quality assurance and metrics in the context of NFDI4Ing, but many issues are transferable and apply to many types of data and research data management processes. Furthermore, the methods and tools developed by NFDI4Ing for the self-organization and self-monitoring of quality and maturity of research data and data management processes require an ongoing exchange of experience between different national and international stakeholders. For this reason, close collaboration with researchers in other NFDI consortia and the larger scientific community is a major goal of the SIG. Quelle ↗
» Dr. Iryna Mozgova
(30 Min,

Sektion EduTrain (Training & Education)
Ein besseres Forschungsdatenmanagement im täglichen Betrieb beruht auf den Kenntnissen der einzelnen Forscher:innen. Daher setzt sich NFDI für die Stärkung der Datenkompetenz in universitärer und außeruniversitärer Forschung ein. In der Sektion „Training & Education“ sollen Schulungsmodule mit Lehrmaterialien entwickelt werden, die sich an dem Bedarf der Zielgruppen orientieren. Zudem soll ein Zertifikatskurs für Data Stewards, Personen, die innerhalb einer Institution für eine gute Datenqualität zuständig sind, konzipiert werden. Quelle ↗
» Manuela Richter
(15 Min,

Sektion ELSA (Ethical, Legal & Social Aspects)
Die Bereitstellung und der Austausch von Forschungsdaten sind oftmals mit Rechtsfragen verbunden. Im Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten muss beispielsweise der Datenschutz besonders berücksichtigt werden, während in anderen Bereichen das Immaterialgüterrecht, also der Schutz des geistigen Eigentums, eine besondere Rolle spielt. Die Sektion „Ethical, Legal & Social Aspects“ soll ein Austauschforum für rechtliche, sozialwissenschaftliche und forschungsethische Erfahrungen bieten. Gemeinsam sollen Leitlinien und rechtliche Standards für das Forschungsdatenmanagement im Wissenschaftsalltag erarbeitet werden. Quelle ↗
» Dr. Dr. Grischka Petri
(15 Min,

Cross-everything: Journals, Data Spaces, Hardware
Journal ing.grid
The journal is committed to the principles of Open Data, Open Access and Open Review. Open Data enhances transparency of scientific processes, accountability of researchers and reusability of research results. Open Access facilitates the dissemination of scientific discoveries, making them operational for addressing societal issues. Open Review nurtures vibrant scholarly discussion.
The journal is firmly rooted in the engineering sciences. It welcomes contributions from all engineering subject areas. Moreover, the journal recognizes connections and common practices across all subdisciplines of the engineering community and encourages active exchange of experiences. Quelle ↗
» Kevin Logan
(30 Min,

Gaia-X meets FDM: Die FAIR Data Spaces
In den Fair Data Spaces werden die föderierte, sichere Dateninfrastruktur Gaia-X und NFDI zu einem gemeinsamen, cloud-basierten Datenraum für Industrie und Forschung unter Einhaltung der FAIR-Prinzipien verbunden. Das heißt, Daten sollen auffindbar, zugreifbar, interoperabel und wiederverwendbar (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) geteilt werden. Quelle ↗
» Dr. Marius Politze
(30 Min,

Open.Make - Towards open and FAIR hardware
Abstract: Currently, some grassroots initiatives are pushing to develop an "open hardware strategy for science" that extends open source principles from software to physical products. This is very much in line with the promotion of FAIR data principles. Open.Make aims to explore best practices for creating and publishing research hardware and to develop a prototype publishing platform for research hardware. Lessons learned will also inform open access guidelines to assess and ensure replicability of hardware in science. Given the wider role of academic research in society, a new career path for open and FAIR hardware engineers may also emerge in the future. Quelle ↗
» Robert Mies
(30 Min,

11:30 - 12:00 Uhr
Coming soon
Cross-application collaborations within and beyond NFDI4Ing
SIG Workflow Tools
Software-driven scientific workflows are often characterized by a complex interplay of various pieces of software executed in a particular order. Moreover, each process in a workflow may pose a number of requirements on the software or hardware environment.
In this SIG, we want to elaborate, together with the scientific community, a vision on how scientific workflows should be created, packaged, and published in order to be as FAIR as possible. We want to evaluate if existing workflow tools provide reusable solutions, and identify the capabilities that are missing to reach our goal: reproducible research workflows, by anyone, anywhere and anytime. Quelle ↗
» Dr. Dennis Gläser
(30 Min,

SIG Metadata & Ontologies
The SIG metadata & ontologies supports the exchange between NFDI4Ing Archetypes, Community Clusters and Base Services on cross-sectional topics on metadata and ontologies as well as services using such resources. It allows the different groups to update each other on their progress and requirements and to develop services that meet practical demands in research data management in engineering.
The SIG will develop a metadata model for engineering research metadata according to the community’s needs in its subgroup Metadata4Ing, thereby fostering harmonization activities in NFDI4Ing. It will also follow and contribute to cross-consortia activities related to metadata and ontologies. Its subgroup Metadata4Ing has already hosted a cross-consortia workshop and will continue to collaborate with other NFDI consortia by joining the future NFDI section “(Meta)data – terminologies – provenance” which is currently forming. Quelle ↗
» Susanne Arndt
(30 Min,

Sektion Common Infrastructures
Über eigene, vereinzelte Informationsinfrastrukturen verfügen bereits verschiedene Forschungsdisziplinen. Damit diese heterogenen Angebote in Zukunft interoperabel nutzbar sind und der interdisziplinäre (Daten-)Austausch vorangetrieben wird, sollen diese in eine gemeinsame Infrastruktur eingebettet werden. Angedacht ist die Realisierung einer multi-cloud-basierten Basis-Infrastruktur. In der Sektion „Common Infrastructures“ werden außerdem die Themen nachhaltige Nutzbarkeit und Langzeitarchivierung eine Rolle spielen. Quelle ↗» Dr. Sonja Schimmler
(15 Min,

Sektion Meta(daten), Terminologien und Provenienz
Gemeinsame Standards im Forschungsdatenmanagement sind die Grundlage für die Möglichkeit einer effektiven Nachnutzung von Daten. Die Sektion „(Meta)daten, Terminologien und Provenienz“ arbeitet daran. Entwickelt werden sollen Best Practices zur Modellierung von Terminologien, Vokabularen und Ontologien. Zudem sollen unter anderem einheitliche und nachvollziehbare Dokumentationsverfahren von technischen und kulturellen Aspekten des Entstehungskontextes von (Meta-)Daten etabliert werden. Quelle ↗
» Dr. Rainer Stotzka
(15 Min,

12:00 – 13:00 Uhr
🍝 Mittagspause | Lunch break
13:00 – 14:30 Uhr
Use Cases und Metadaten
Use Cases and Metadata
RDM Use Cases related to mechanical and production engineering on the basis of two clusters of excellence
Workshop: Entwickeln und Implementieren von Datenmanagementplänen für ingenieurswissenschaftliche Projekte des Exzellenzclusters Internet of Production (IoP)
Wie können generische Datenmanagementpläne fachspezifisch angepasst und erweitert werden?
Wie gelingt es, die Datenmanagementpläne innerhalb vorhandener Projektstrukturen zu etablieren?
Diesen beiden Fragen gehen wir mit Input aus Projekten der Research Data Alliance und des Exzellenzclusters Internet of Production auf den Grund.
» Soo-Yon Kim
» Sabine Schönau
(60 Min,

Harnessing the valuable knowledge in the interdisciplinary cluster of excellence "The Fuel Science Center (FSC)"
The FSC-Platform keeps about 30 scientific institutes and 170 researchers up to date on the cluster's research results. Here, the project descriptions and results as well as current publications are displayed in a transparent and standardised form. This enables researchers to see who has published what, with whom on which topic in one or more projects. These information are used by the FSC steering committee to adjust the research direction of the entire cluster with respect to content.
» Robert Jungnickel
(30 Min,

14:00 - 14:30 Uhr
Coming soon
From Terminologies to Metadata-Usage
13:00 - 13:30 Uhr 2P1
Terminology Service
» Dr. Felix Engel
(30 Min, )
AIMS: Applying Interoperable Metadata Standards
Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis erfordert eine präzise und verständliche Dokumentation der Ergebnisse. Forschungsdatenmanagement auf Basis weitreichend standardisierter Metadaten ist daher von essenzieller Bedeutung. Dies ist umso wichtiger, wenn Forschende ihre eigenen Forschungsdaten teilen und publizieren oder archivierte Daten Dritter nachnutzen möchten. Anhand eines Anwendungsfalls aus der Produktionstechnik wird demonstriert wie eine Integration moderner Standards den Forschungsalltag in Zukunft bereichern wird. In AIMS gestaltet ein interdisziplinäres Team die Entwicklung einer Plattform zum Erstellen und Teilen von anwendungsspezifischen Metadatenschemata mit hoher Interoperabilität und Nachnutzbarkeit.
» Nils Preuß
(30 Min,

Coscine – Research (meta)data management made easy
Metadata is a core aspect of good research data management, but data is rarely tagged with metadata in everyday research. The research data management platform Coscine aims to change this by linking the uploading of data to the assignment of metadata.
» Benedikt Heinrichs
» Dr. Ilona Lang
(30 Min,

13:30 - 14:00 Uhr
Coming soon
14:30 – 15:00 Uhr
☕ 💬 Virtuelle Kaffeepause mit Networking-Session | Virtual coffee break and networking session
Grab a coffee and join other interested people in one of our virtual break out rooms.
15:00 – 16:30 Uhr
Vernetzung und Ontologien
Networking and Ontologies
RDM-Tools in Mechanical and production engineering
Elektronische Laborbücher in Physik und Ingenieurwissenschaften
Aktuell schauen viele Institute und Arbeitsgruppen nach Lösungen zu elektronischen Laborbüchern (ELN). Der Markt ist unübersichtlich, und häufig können die Suchenden kaum ihre Anforderungen formulieren. Dieser Betrag zeigt, was ELNs leisten können, welche verschiedenen Ansätze es gibt und wo weitere Hilfe gefunden werden kann. Der Beitrag beschränkt sich dabei auf Lösungen für Physiker, Materialwissenschaftler und Ingenieure.
» Torsten Bronger
(30 Min,

Workshop: re3data – Indexing and discovering research data repositories for the engineering sciences
The service re3data, the Registry of Research Data Repositories, currently lists over 2700 digital repositories across all scientific disciplines and is used by researchers and other services worldwide. A variety of funders, publishers, and scientific organizations refer to re3data within their guidelines and policies, recommending it as a trusted service to researchers looking for appropriate repositories for storage and discovery of research data. Since January 2020, the re3data COREF project has been funded by the DFG to further develop and enhance the registry service.
The talk will give a general introduction as well as a demo of the service, in particular the indexing and curation process. We will take a brief look at the subject classification implemented by re3data and examine which repositories indexed in re3data are associated with institutions participating in NFDI4Ing. We conclude by opening a discussion with the audience with the goal of identifying options to ensure good representation of research data repositories for engineering sciences.
» Robert Ulrich
» Dorothea Strecker
» Rouven Schabinger
(60 Min,

15:30 - 16:30 Uhr (vorläufig)
re3data – Indexing and discovering research data repositories for the engineering sciences
» Robert Ulrich
» Dorothea Strecker
» Rouven Schabinger
(60 Min, tbd)
15:30 - 16:00 Uhr
Coming soon
The Power of Ontologies
Cluster of Excellence Internet of Production: Proposed Ontology for Digital Shadows from Theory to Practice
In this presentation, we present our proposed conceptual model to describe digital shadows that is established via interdisciplinary research in German Cluster of Excellence. Furthermore, we provide a schema and a tool to implement and analyze the proposed framework. This includes data lifting, validation, querying, etc., where the user can validate the schema based on a reference schema and do desired queries.
» Anahita Farhang Ghahfarokhi
(30 Min,

Live-Demo: FAIRsharing: an ecosystem of research standards and databases for effective RDM
FAIRsharing is an informative and educational resource on interlinked standards, databases and policies, three key elements of the FAIR ecosystem. FAIRsharing is adopted by funders, publishers and communities across all research disciplines. It promotes the existence and value of these resources to aid data discovery, interoperability and sharing across all of our stakeholder groups. Here we discuss how FAIRsharing can be searched and updated by our user community, and how you can make the best use out of it as part of a broader data management infrastructure. We will also let you know how you can take part and contribute to the development of the description of engineering resources within FAIRsharing.
» Allyson Lister
(60 Min,

16:30 – 17:00 Uhr
Journal ing.grid
» Kevin Logan
(30 Min, )
16:30 – 17:00 Uhr
Ausblick und Verabschiedung | Outlook and farewell
- Feedback
- Ausblick auf nächste Schritte
Outlook for next steps
- Zukünftige Angebote zur Vernetzung in der Community und Kontaktmöglichkeiten
Future offerings for networking in the community and Contact
(30 Min,

17:00 Uhr
🏴 Veranstaltungsende | End of the event
ab 17:00 Uhr
🍻 Virtueller Ausklang | Virtual After-Glow
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Fragen | Questions
Do you have questions regarding the event? Please use this contact form to get in touch with us!