Author: Thorsten Schwetje


Ellen’s RESODATE will be a service that enables the task- and problem-oriented search and discovery of research data artifacts. Based on formalized procedural information embedded in knowledge graphs, it utilizes relationships between research tasks and methods to organize research software and data according to their possible uses. It aims to support the integration of software and data into executable research workflows that can be used to cover individual information and data requirements.

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RDMO – a tool for data management planning

The Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) guides researchers through the planning, implementation and administration of all research data management tasks.

It offers structured questionnaires with detailed guidance, enabling efficient and comprehensive data management planning for research projects, ensuring compliance with funding requirements.

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NFDI4ING Q&A Platform

The NFDI4ING Q&A platform is here to empower researchers in the engineering sciences with a collaborative space to ask and answer questions about their research data management. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or just starting out, this platform is designed to foster knowledge exchange and support your research journey.

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Virtual Environments in Experiments: A Prototype

How can virtual environments be used in cooperative experimental work that involves a physical test rig? In an Alex experimental setup, we have developed a prototypical solution that includes provisioning and managing virtual machines and containers tailored to specific project needs. The environments use Conda and Pip for software development and unit testing, ensuring flexibility and scalability and allowing for more efficient analysis and streamlined workflows.

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OTGroundTruther is a tool that can be used to carry out manual traffic counting at intersections based on video material. It is possible to capture traffic flows in detail and to distinguish between different road users. It enables the rapid counting of traffic flows if automated recording is not possible with sufficient certainty. In addition, this tool can be used to generate ground truth data for benchmarking the counting accuracy of automated systems.

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Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG)

The Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) helps researchers find, compare, and reuse scientific findings efficiently. User can organize research contributions semantically so that both humans and machines can easily understand and use them. With ORKG, you can explore knowledge across various disciplines, stay updated, and collaborate on new research. Additionally, ORKG enhances the visibility of research outputs, facilitating better discovery and innovation in the scientific community.

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NFDI-RFC Standardisation Concept

The NFDI-RFC (Request For Comments) process is adopted from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard. This process ensures that NFDI community submitted standards are practical, effective, and widely used within the research community. A review process for the publication of NFDI-RFCs was also designed to ensure that they meet the highest quality and integrity standards.

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Metadata Profile Service

The NFDI4ING Metadata Profile Service facilitates creation and utilization of FAIR (RDF-based) metadata by making use of metadata profiles that combine terms from existing ontologies into reusable metadata templates. The platform provides functionality for creation, sharing and curation of metadata profiles.

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NFDI4Ing Maturity Model

To evaluate the implementation of research data management, maturity models are provided for individual phases, which researchers can use for self-evaluation. The models are aimed at a standardised and optimised implementation of RDM in engineering research projects.

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NFDI4Ing Jupyter Service

The NFDI4Ing Jupyter Service provides Jupyterlab servers to the NFDI4Ing community. Jupyter allows interactive programming via the browser in more than 40 programming languages. Via computational notebooks, the code can be enriched with text descriptions, images, videos and more (literate programming).

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