Thorsten Schwetje, Author at NFDI4Ing - Page 10 of 17

First Draft for the Overall NFDI AAI Architecture

The workgroup Identity and Access Management finished a first analysis of requirements towards authentication and authorization infrastructures and proposed an AAI architecture for the whole NFDI. Results are available on the continuously updated documentation website.

The NFDI4Ing Terminology Service – An Offering for Comprehensive Data and Knowledge Management Tasks

The availability of terminologies is a critical component of research data management. Without terminologies, meaningful descriptions of research data would not be possible, and the reusability of these data and associated information would be compromised. Accordingly, researchers and funding agencies have a vested interest in the availability of sophisticated and stable terminologies.

NFDI4Ing RDMO Service now available

RDMO is a software that assists in planning the data management for your research project. In NFDI4Ing, we adapted and complemented the Open Source software to better support the specific needs of researchers working in the engineering sciences. The service is available at

NFDI4Ing Community Meetings in September 2022

In NFDI4Ing, various services and solutions are being developed to improve and simplify (research) data management in engineering. To bring these solutions into practice and validate them based on the subject-specific requirements of researchers, NFDI4Ing regularly organizes Community Meetings. Researchers, infrastructure operators and industry partners from various fields of engineering meet to discuss ideas and to network.