Software-driven scientific workflows are often characterized by a complex interplay
of various pieces of software executed in a particular order. Moreover, each process
in a workflow may pose a number of requirements on the software or hardware environment.
In this SIG, we want to elaborate, together with the scientific community,
a vision on how scientific workflows should be created, packaged, and published in order to be as FAIR as possible. We want to evaluate if existing workflow tools provide reusable solutions, and identify the capabilities that are missing to reach our goal: reproducible research workflows, by anyone, anywhere and anytime.
workflow tools
key challenges & objectives
In order for research workflows to comply with the FAIR principles, they should be:
annotated with metadata
Because of the dependency on their environment, reproducibility and reusability are not trivial to achieve for scientific workflows. The results presented in a scientific paper, for instance, are commonly produced in a very specific environment, and in order to guarantee reproducibility, this environment has to be reinstantiated possibly many years later.
how to get into contact
The SIG is open for new participants – feel free to join the biweekly operative meetings or the SIG-wide meetings every 6 weeks. Meeting dates and links will be provided at a later date via our mailing list (sign-up here: sig_wftools) or in our NFDI-Rocket.Chat channel (#nfdi4ing-SIG-WFTools).
Moreover, you can contribute to our documentation hosted at github (Link)