SIG RDM training & education
Research data management (RDM) training and data literacy education is a crosscutting topic within NFDI4Ing and beyond the consortium. While a variety of materials and concepts already exist, it is challenging to select and adapt them to the needs of the engineering community.
The SIG RDM training & education serves to facilitate communication between archetypes, base services and community clusters (CCs) within NFDI4Ing. It also connects to the developments in the NFDI section „Training & Education“ as well as other cross-regional initiatives on RDM training. By creating a channel for communication with the community, the SIG aims to support the measures S-6/CC-2 in their goal of utilization, evaluation and adaptation of materials and concepts for basic RDM training according to the needs of the engineering sciences.

key challenges & objectives
Some key issues or topics for the SIG RDM training & education are:
- Articulate requirements & needs from archetypes and CCs
- Discipline-specific adaption of generic materials
- Collection of best practice examples
- Address different target groups and backgrounds, from students to subject specialists
- Involve stakeholders from inside and outside NFDI4Ing
- Benefit from synergies and ensure compatibility to research data mangement training activities from other consortia and working groups
how to get into contact
The SIG is open to everyone involved or interested in the development of subject-specific research data management training for students and scientists in the engineering sciences. Feel free to join our monthly meetings!
Dates and general information are communicated via our mailing list. You can join the list here (Link). If you have access to the NFDI, you are also invited to join our channel #nfdi4ing-SIGtraining.
contact information
For further questions please contact:
Mario Moser
Dr. Ute Trautwein-Bruns