OPEN STRUCTURES conference on data, tools and cultures in research
On November 23rd & 24th, the TU Darmstadt hosts the OPEN STRUCTURES conference on data, tools and cultures in research. The conference can be attended free of charge.
On November 23rd & 24th, the TU Darmstadt hosts the OPEN STRUCTURES conference on data, tools and cultures in research. The conference can be attended free of charge.
The Interest Group RDM of the TU9 Alliance, Association of German Universities of Technology, invites data stewards, research data officers, research data handling officers, data experts, data curators and data managers, as well as anyone interested in research data management (RDM), to a two-day workshop on RDM in science and engineering. There will be a special focus on the concept of data stewardship. Read more…
The IAM4NFDI project team invites you to a workshop that will provide the technical and organisational basics for the operation of a Community AAI. Read more…
To introduce new members into the larger NFDI context, the NFDI Directorate hosts its own onboarding event on March 15th, 2023 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. The event will be held in English. Read more…
On Friday, March 3rd, the working group Identity & Access Management (IAM) of the NFDI Section Common Infrastructures is hosting a workshop on IAM basics from 1 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. The workshop is intended as an introductory event. Read more…
This year, NFDI4Ing participates in the international #LoveDataWeek with multiple events. Read more…
On June 24th, the Hessian Research Data Infrastructures initiative (HeFDI) will host their annual research data day. The agenda consists of five parallel tracks with
On June 23, NFDI4Ing is part of the virtual NFDI Satellite Event at the Joint Conference of Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2022.
On 9 and 10 June 2022, the 1st NFDI4Earth Plenary Meeting will take place in Dresden.
The workshop is aimed at institutional research infrastructure managers, librarians and researchers who are engaged in setting up infrastructure services within their institutions and through collaborations or would like to get an overview of current developments.