Seed Funds - NFDI4Ing

Here you can find all NFDI4Ing publications. We are also active on Zenodo.

General Infos

You can check out our community at We are also part of the NFDI community: There you may find information on cross-cutting topics and links to other consortia there. If you are a member of NFDI4Ing and want to add your publications to this list, you can find a brief guide (Link, .docx, German) on our SharePoint. The publication list is located at RWTH Publications.



Picture of NFDI4Ing Forums:

NFDI4Ing Forums:

Ontologies in science and technology (talks)
29 January 2021 / Data curation 1×1 for engineering libraries
23 June 2020

Picture of NFDI4Ing conferences & community meetings:

NFDI4Ing conferences & community meetings:

Materials (talks & slides) from NFDI4Ing’s 2nd community meeting
22 January 2021