Report: Community board meeting CC-44

The first meeting of the Community Board of the Community Cluster "Systems Engineering, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology" (CC-44) took place on 24 May 2022. The exchange on community-specific issues and practices of research data management served to sharpen the fields of action and needs in community work within NFDI4Ing.
The first meeting of the Community Board of the Community Cluster "Systems Engineering, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology" (CC-44) took place on 24 May 2022. The exchange on community-specific issues and practices of research data management served to sharpen the fields of action and needs in community work within NFDI4Ing.

The Community Board as an advisory body of experts supports the transfer of practices and needs from the community to the consortium as well as information on developments in NFDI4Ing, planned activities and support requests from within NFDI4Ing to the community. It is also used as an important multiplier for informing and involving the community regarding research data management and NFDI4Ing activities.

The aim of the meeting on 24.05.22 was to get to know the community board members and to create a common overview and understanding of research data management in the community. Furthermore, needs for action were to be identified that are relevant for the work in NFDI4Ing and the community.

The first step was for the participants to get to know eachother and to compare and discuss the allocation according to a common DFG classification. The aim when composing the board was to ensure the broadest possible professional representation. As a result it was pointed out that electrical engineering and information technology in particular should be more strongly integrated in future meetings.

Next, the participants gave an overview on the following questions regarding their own research data management:

  1. what data do you work with?
  2. how important is the visibility and publication of your data?
  3. how do you publish your data (findability, data protection, etc.), or which repositories do you use?
  4. what ontologies or vocabularies exist in your field to describe data sets?

Later, some exemplary datasets from the everyday research life of the participants were presented and classified according to the research data life cycle.

All this was intended to capture specific and generalisable questions and needs for action that are relevant to the community and can be fed back into NFDI4Ing. It became clear that topics such as standardisation, data description and legal hurdles (especially personal and data protection) are important aspects. This is in accordance with earlier results from the community meeting in March 2022.

A work report that will provide detailed information will be published shortly. It will  map the status and requirements of the community with regard to research data management and identify corresponding community-relevant fields of action.


Marco Berger