NFDI4Ing Seed Funds – deadline extended

The NFDI4Ing Seed Funds support scientists from all engineering research fields in the development and implementation of innovative ideas in data management. The original deadline for applications for the NFDI4ing seed fund programme in 2022, July 31st, will be extended to August 31st, 2021. Read more...

The NFDI4Ing Seed Funds support scientists from all engineering research fields in the development and implementation of innovative ideas in data management. The original deadline for applications for the NFDI4ing seed fund programme in 2022, July 31st, will be extended to August 31st, 2021.

After a successful start in 2021, the NFDI4Ing seed fund programme will continue in 2022. The seed fund programme is aimed at engineering scientists who want to contribute to the future of scientific data management. The consortium NFDI4Ing addresses overarching data management issues in data-generating engineering activities, currently focused on the following topics:

  • Bespoke experiments with high variability of setups
  • Engineering research software
  • Provenance tracking of physical samples and data samples
  • High performance measurements & computations
  • Extensive & heterogeneous data requirements
  • Many participants & simultaneous devices
  • Field data & distributed systems

The NFDI4Ing Seed Funds are designed to continuously develop the consortium’s work program and adapt it to the needs of the engineering community. The NFDI4Ing Seed Funds provide resources to support innovative approaches to research data management in all stages of development, testing and implementation. To give further opportunities to apply for funding, particularly to engineering scientists without prior connection to NFDI4Ing, the deadline for applications for funding in 2022 will be extended to August 31st, 2021.

The updated call for applications with detailed information on the programme, its goals, and a description of the application process can be found in our downloads section. For any remaining questions, feel free to contact us via