NFDI4Ing Forum: Electronic lab notebooks (ELNs)



We are proud to announce a continuation of our NFDI4Ing Forum web seminar series – the 3rd NFDI4Ing Forum comes from our participant TU Clausthal and will focus on Electronic Lab Notebooks as tools for teaching research data management in engineering science. In addition to the presentation of best practices that have already been implemented, planned projects are to be presented and discussed. Speakers are listed as follows. Note that the exact speaker times may be subject to change. Please register, below !

2:00 pm-welcome address- (Dr. Strauß)
2:05 pmProf. Herres-Pawlis, RWTH Aachen
2:30 pmProf. Manolikakes, TU Kaiserslautern
2:40 pmDr. Strauß, TU Clausthal
3:00 pmDr. Kusch, University Medical Center Göttingen
3:20 pmRichter, TU Darmstadt
3:40 pm-plenary discussion-
4:00 pm-eLabFTW hands-on demonstration-
4:30 pm-end of workshop-
