

To meet its goals, the NFDI4ING consortium has implemented a governance structure alongside its functional setup. The role of the different organisational entities is detailed in NFDI4ING’s by-laws (“Ordnung”). To give a brief overview, the main organisational entities are:

Top decision-making body previously called steering committee. The members’ meeting is responsible for setting project objectives and work programmes and supervises the scientific progress within task  areas. The member role is assigned with the aim of achieving a broad representation of our communities. To illustrate, the member role is automatically assigned to all co-spokespersons, to representatives of all TU9 members, to representatives of non-university research institution members, and to representatives of the NFDI initiative OD-Rex, which was integrated in 2019 after not being funded. In sum, the member’s meeting consists of about 45 members. To further include the representatives of the member institutions of the consortium according to the articles of the NFDI association, they are permanently invited guests of the members’ meeting. Current members of the members’ meeting are:

Auer, SörenTIB 
Backe, ChristianDKFZDeputy
Ben Hassine, SaharTU BerlinDeputy
Bierenbaum, IsabellaKITDeputy
Bronger, TorstenFZJ 
Farnbacher, BenjaminTU MünchenDeputy
Flemisch, BernU Stuttgart 
Gerike, RegineTU Dresden 
Jagusch, GeraldTU Darmstadt 
Kirchner, FrankDKFZ 
Kraft, AngelinaTIBDeputy
Kuckertz, PatrickFZJDeputy
Lachmayer, RolandLU Hannover 
Langenbach, ChristianDLR 
Linxweiler, JanTU Braunschweig 
Müller, MatthiasRWTH 
Nestler, BrittaKIT 
Pelz, PeterTU Darmstadt 
Rausch, AndreasTU Clausthal 
Heik, StefanieTU DresdenDeputy
Schlenz, HartmutFZJDeputy
Schmitt, RobertRWTH Aachen 
Schwarz, AnnettRWTH Aachen 
Schwetje, ThorstenTU DarmstadtDeputy
Seibert, VasiliyTU ClausthalDeputy
Selzer, MichaelKITDeputy
Sens, IrinaTIB 
Stäcker, ThomasTU Darmstadt 
Stark, RainerTU Berlin 
Stemmer, ChristianTU München 
Stolten, DetlefFZJ 
Streit, AchimKIT 
Strötgen, RobertTU Braunschweig 
Unger, Jörg F.BAM 
Wawer, MaxLU HannoverDeputy

Consists of a sub-group of twelve persons of the members’ meeting that convenes frequently and includes both the speaker and its deputy. The executive committee supervises contractual affairs and the disbursement of funds. It responds to short-term decision-making needs of the consortium and reports to the member’s meeting. The members’ meeting elects the executive committee at the suggestion of the speakers. There are no deputies allowed in the executive committee. The current members are:

Bronger, TorstenFZJ
Flemisch, BerndU Stuttgart
Jagusch, GeraldTU Darmstadt
Langenbach, ChristianDLR
Müller, MatthiasRWTH Aachen
Nestler, BrittaKIT
Pelz, PeterTU Darmstadt
Schmitt, RobertRWTH Aachen
Schwarz, AnnettRWTH Aachen
Sens, IrinaTIB
Stäcker, ThomasTU Darmstadt
Streit, AchimKIT

Both the speaker and the deputy speaker convene frequently with the administrative office in order to set administrative goals and review agendas.

Represents national and international research, politics, and industry, offering an external perspective and advice. The current members of NFDI4ING’s advisory board are:

Bernard, LarsTU Dresden
Ehm, HansInfineon Technologies AG
Greene, Gretchen R.NIST (USA)
Härtner, SebastianMerck Electronics KGaA
Kinder-Kurlanda, KatharinaU Klagenfurt
Kraft, MarkusU of Cambridge, UK & Singapore
Lavanchy, Paula MartínezTU Delft, Netherlands
Palis, StefanTU Clausthal
Thoben, Klaus-DieterBremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik

Unlike the initially proposed structure, the implemented governance framework excludes a general meeting to align more closely with the organisational structure of the NFDI e.V.. However, there have been regular all-hands meetings organised by the TA Management to gather input from all persons active in the consortium. This format will continue in the second funding period. Apart from these adjustments, the governance framework has remained consistent since the project’s inception in 2020.