NFDI4Ing community meeting: construction engineering & architecture (DFG45) – Oct. 4th-5th

The annual NFDI4Ing community meeting for engineers and researchers working in architecture, civil and environmental engineering (DFG research area 45) will be on October 4th & 5th. Read more...



The annual NFDI4Ing community meeting for engineers and researchers working in architecture, civil and environmental engineering (DFG research area 45) will be on October 4th & 5th 2021. FAIR data, data quality and research data management (RDM) are steadily increasing in importance. How we do research is changing. Together with the engineering community at large, we want to discuss current developments and challenges in RDM in the engineering sciences and deliberate on the scope and opportunities to actively shape the future of RDM in engineering.

The community meeting is free of charge. However, we ask for a registration. You can find more information on how to register as well as a preliminary agenda here (Link, German). Registration is open until September, 13th.