Conference: Challenges and developments in research data centres (FDZ)

KonsortSWD hosts a hybrid conference on current challenges and future developments in FDZs and their place in the larger German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). Read more...



In 2001, the first research data centre (‘Forschungsdatenzentrum’, FDZ) of the German Federal Statistical Office was established as a means to make data accessible for scientific purposes while observing data protection and privacy regulations. Today, there are more than 40 accredited FDZs in Germany, covering a wide range of topics and methods. On occasion of the 20th anniversary on September 30th, KonsortSWD hosts a hybrid conference on current challenges and future developments in FDZs and their place in the larger German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI). The virtual part of the conference is open to the public, no registration required.

You can find more information at (only available in German).