NFDI4Ing conference 2024 - NFDI4Ing

NFDI4Ing Conference 2024
September 18 and 19, 2024

Strategies, challenges and best practices for sustainable research data management

NFDI4Ing Conference 2024

Everything at a Glance
Conference Topics
When?   18.09.2024 [09:00 - 15:10]
19.09.2024 [09:00 - 12:20]

Where?   Online (Free registration ↗)

Who?   Everyone interested in Research Data Management within and beyond NFDI4Ing

What?   Research data management and NFDI4Ing

Costs   Registration and participation in the conference are free of charge
The conference "Strategies, challenges and best practices for sustainable research data management" highlights key topics relating to research data management (RDM) within the framework of the German National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences (NFDI4Ing). The event offers a platform for the exchange of current development, innovative approaches and best practices in data management and us.
FAIR engineering science:
applying principles to practice
RDM tools and services:
usability and automation
Open science: impact and
visibility of engineering insights
Data literacy in
engineering education
Whether researchers, teachers or industry representatives - all those interested in (research) data management are welcome. Through presentations of research results, informative workshops and tutorials, as well as case studies, we would like to discuss how data management can be implemented in engineering theory and practice.
Conference Proceedings: ing.grid's special issue
To make the contributions accessible to a broader audience, the contributors will have the chance to hand in additional papers, that will be peer-reviewed within ing.grid ↗ and later be published within the conference special issue of ing.grid.
ing.grid is firmly rooted in the engineering sciences and is committed to the principles of Open Data, Open Access and Open Review. It welcomes contributions from all engineering subject areas. Moreover, the journal recognizes connections and common practices across all subdisciplines of the engineering community and encourages active exchange of experiences.

The open peer review policy of ing.grid offers collaboration with the reviewing not only reserved for the assigned referees: The community can also take part in the discussion before the publishing of the article. After the article is accepted, the review discussion comments are made available and marked with a DOI to ensure transparency of the review process.

The journal aims to share the results of scientific work conducted with society. To publish at ing.grid, authors should choose a CC-BY licence for their work. This licence allows the journal and its publications to hold on to the principles of open science.
NFDI4Ing Awards 2024

RDM solutions with impact on science in 2024!

In the course of the NFDI4Ing Conference 2024 a award for RDM solutions will be given: We will honour the best RDM tool!

Nominate your favorite RDM tool!

NFDI4Ing Award 2024 for the best RDM Solution

Best (software) solution for RDM
on the NFDI4Ing conference 2024

Conditions apply: Any software solution for research data management that is developed outside the NFDI4Ing can be nominated and awarded.
To get an overview of possible RDM solutions for the award, we will collect nominations with a short abstract on this website until the end of the conference. At the end of the conference, we will briefly introduce the nominees. Participants can then vote for their favorite and the winner will be chosen.

To give you a better overview over the programme, the contributions have been structured into multiple categories listed below. The categories are colour coded to help you identify corresponding contributions within the agenda.
Start and Ending

Tools for Research Data Management
Knowledge Management and Ontologies

Domain-specific Data Management
The NFDI4Ing Conference 2024 comes along with the following program of presentations, workshops and networking opportunities:
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
All times in CET

09:00 – 09:15


09:15 – 09:45

Critical infrastructure - Sustainable research data in the built environment

Jakob Beetz

09:45 – 10:45

Sketching ways towards RDM at an institute scale

Robert Schmitt

10:45 – 11:00

Short Break

11:00 – 11:20

Use of the NFDI4Ing RDMO instance using the example of the NFDI4Ing catalog

Sabine Schönau

11:20 – 11:50

Community-based RDM Trainings in the engineering sciences – experiences and results from the exchange

Christian Langenbach & Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin

11:50 – 12:20

Jarves: More guidance and less effort in RDM

Tobias Hamann

12:20 – 12:50


Marcel Nellesen

12:50 – 13:45

🍝 Lunch Break

13:45 – 14:15

File Transfer Service - I like to move it

Marcel Nellesen & Mozhdeh Farhadi

14:15 – 14:30

Enhancing Interoperability: Utilizing SHACL Metadata Schemes for consistency, and RO-Crate for Standardized Data Exchange between ELNs

Manideep Javarapu

14:30 – 15:00


Michaela Leštáková

15:00 – 15:10

Outlook & Farewell
Thursday, September 19, 2024
All times in CET

09:00 – 09:10


09:10 – 09:50

Biodiversity in NFDI Knowledge Graphs

Daniel Mietchen

09:50 – 10:10

Forging Connections Between Researchers and Data Management Through Ontology Development

Hafiz Noman

10:10 – 10:30

Short Break

10:30 – 10:45

Navigating a landscape of shared models and simulations: opportunities and challenges

Daniel Mietchen

10:45 – 11:05

MARGE – the Multi-Access Research Gateway for HPC Experts

Benjamin Farnbacher & Yu Jiao

11:05 – 11:50

Modeling of engineering topics

Daniel Mietchen

11:50 – 12:05

Presentation of the nominated RDM solutions and voting by the event participants

12:05 – 12:20

Outlook & Farewell
Engineers - we count on you!

Your feedback is important for the development of research data management in engineering. The ‘NFDI4ING Community Survey 2024’ has started!

Why take part?

Share your experiences and needs in managing research data.
Help us improve the infrastructures for research data management.
Take an active part in shaping the future of engineering!

Time: The survey only takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Click here for the survey:

Survey (Deutsch) ↗)
Survey (English) ↗)

Your opinion is important to us! Thank you for your support.

Your NFDI4ING Team
Dr.-phil. Ina Heine
RWTH Aachen University
Representative for NFDI4Ing Community Cluster 41
Mechanical and industrial engineering
Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Lambie
TU Darmstadt
Representative for NFDI4Ing Community Cluster 42
Thermal engineering and process engineering
Dr.-Ing. Michael Selzer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Representative for NFDI4Ing Community Cluster 43
Materials science and engineering
Dr. David Hecker
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Representative for NFDI4Ing Community Cluster 44
Computer science, systems and electrical engineering
Dr. Jan Linxweiler
TU Braunschweig
Representative for NFDI4Ing Community Cluster 45
Construction engineering and architecture

Questions and Contact

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Questions and Contact

Do you have questions regarding the event? Please use this contact form to get in touch with us!
By clicking the Submit button you agree that your data will be used to process your request to receive information on the NFDI4Ing conference. You can find further information in our privacy policy.
Conference Topics
The aim of the conference is to advance and unify international (research) data management and to foster exchange. We will discuss open issues and future challenges on topics such as terminologies, metadata, ontologies, repositories and many more. Likewise, opportunities for networking and exchange with the research community will be provided. Everyone is invited to contribute!
  • FAIR engineering science: applying principles to practice
  • RDM tools and services: usability and automation
  • Open science: impact and visibility of engineering insights
  • Data literacy in engineering education
Open science: impact and
visibility of engineering insights
Data literacy in
engineering education
Whether researchers, teachers or industry representatives - all those interested in (research) data management are welcome. Through presentations of research results, informative workshops and tutorials, as well as case studies, we would like to discuss how data management can be implemented in engineering theory and practice.

ABBA wurde als favorisierte FDM-Band des
Jahres gewählt! Weitere Informationen hier.

Im Rahmen der Konferenz wurde von NFD4Ing auch ein Award für die beste FDM-Lösung des Jahres 2021 ausgelobt. Nominiert werden konnten alle Lösungen, die nicht im Kontext von NFDI4Ing selbst entstanden sind. Als Teilnehmer der Konferenz bestand die Möglichkeit die Stimme für eine favorisierte Lösung abzugeben. Eine Liste aller nominierten FDM-Lösungen finden Sie hier