Thorsten Schwetje, Author at NFDI4Ing

Updates from ing.grid

ing.grid, the OA journal for FAIR data management in engineering, made some big steps in 2024. The journal was shortlisted for the first-ever Enter Open Access Award, completed the first two issues, and is looking to grow further.

Metadata4Ing v1.3.0 now available

The latest release of the Metadata4Ing (m4i) ontology facilitates the usage within RO-Crates and the modelling of physical quantities and data sets. The ontology can be used to document engineering research processes in a machine-readable way.

First stable release 1.0 of Kadi4Mat

We are pleased to announce the first stable 1.0 release of the open source virtual research environment Kadi4Mat. This version marks the culmination of several years of work and improvements since the initial release of Kadi4Mat and also includes the first stable version of its application programming interface.