Repositories & Storage: Updates on Coscine and the DataCollectionsExplorer

As part of our Task Area focused on providing research data management services to engineers, the task force Repositories and Storage is steadily working on further developing and improving the currently provided solutions. In this issue, we provide updates on our work with Coscine and on the DataCollectionsExplorer.

Coscine integrated support for IAM4NFDI, the NFDI’s Identity and Access Management solution which allows researchers connected to any NFDI consortia to easily access the platform. The underlying OpenID Connect method is slated to become the standard login. In light of the switch of the storage provider to, the resource type architecture was reworked and standardized. As a result, interactions with Coscine’s storage backend should be much more stable and performant.

Additionally, FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs) have garnered interest in recent years. Coscine now implements resolvable PID Information Records complying to a Kernel Information Profile (as recommended by the RDA), the main requirement for supporting FDOs. Project owners now also have the possibility to publish their research data directly from Coscine. Another added functionality allows single files to be shared using a generated link. This enables researchers to easily share work-in-progress data with their collaboration partners.

The DataCollectionsExplorer (DCE) provides an easy-to-use overview of repositories, databases, and datasets published individually by research groups, focusing on the engineering sciences. In addition to the web-interface, the DCE is now also available as a knowledge graph, accessible via a SPARQL endpoint. All information provided by the web-interface is available in the graph as well, but in a more structured way. Benefits of the graph structure include more flexibility, easy machine accessibility and integration with other projects.

Moving forward, the graph-based DCE is the platform for further developments requested by the community, such as vocabulary integration and an improved user interface. Providing more detailed information about services’ APIs is currently in development.

Philipp Ost