You are interested in (research) data management, its current and future challenges, and topics like terminologies, metadata, ontologies, data repositories? Then join us on the NFDI4Ing conference on Wednesday and Thursday, October 26 and 27, 2022!

Basic information on the NFDI4Ing conference '22.
Dear Colleagues,
we cordially invite you to our annual NFDI4Ing conference on Wednesday and Thursday, October 26 and 27, 2022. The date in a nutshell:
October 26 and 27, 2022, 9:00 to 17:00 (CET)
Everyone interested in research data management in engineering: students, researchers, teachers or industry representatives, everyone is welcome.
Unify the understanding of RDM in engineering theory and practice through discussions and presentations of use cases as well as demonstrations.
The conference will take place online and is free of charge for all participants. Detailed information about the event can be found by following this link. The site will be continually updated with further details on the agenda and participants.
The aim of the conference is to advance and unify international (research) data management in the engineering sciences and to foster an exchange of experiences and know-how in the engineering community. We will discuss open issues and future challenges on topics such as terminologies, metadata, ontologies, repositories, and many more. Likewise, opportunities for networking and exchange with the research community will be provided. The event is focussed on RDM in engineering, but open to everyone interested in (research) data management. You are more than welcome to forward this event invitation within your organization to all interested parties.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via our questions form. We look forward to seeing you at our virtual conference!
Kind regards,
The NFDI4Ing Conference Organising Committee
T. Hamann