In NFDI4Ing, we develop engineering-specific RDM trainings and educational material and make them publicly available. Learn more about the formats, contents, and our platform.
There are numerous RDM trainings available, but few specifically address the challenges and requirements common in engineering. Our team of researchers and infrastructure operators decided to adapt existing RDM trainings for engineering-specific requirements. You can now access our initial results including a systematic overview of existing training materials, as well as revised or extended trainings for data management plans, phases of the data lifecycle, and cross-cutting modules such as metadata and licenses, in our repository.

Fig. 1: Some of the courses available in the repository.
Currently, we have designed the trainings as self-learning materials, so that interested parties can read up on topics in their own time and wherever they may be. With few changes, the material can be adapted and used as teaching material for courses. All training materials in the repository are openly accessible, without registration and free of charge.
A strong focus of the platform is the feedback mechanism: readers can submit suggestions for improvements or additions, and ask for corrections via so-called ‘issues’. This helps us to further improve the training materials, and gives other users an impression of the quality of the training (similar to user reviews in online stores).

Fig. 2: Screenshot of the NFDI4Ing education repository
The next step is to continue enhancing the trainings. We are working on including interactive training elements to support and deepen the understanding of the content. Beyond this, the trainings will be tailored even more specifically to the various engineering disciplines with examples, anecdotes and use cases. If you are interested in supporting us and contributing to the trainings, please contact us!
M. Moser