Data management plans (DMP) are an important component of data management. One of the goals of the NFDI4Ing Base Service Quality assurance in RDM processes and metrics for FAIR data (S-1) is to provide an engineering-specific customized Data Management Plan (DMP) template to support engineers.

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is not only used for documentation, it can also support communication and the establishment of a structure in working groups, projects, etc., particularly during their early stages. One of the goals of the NFDI4Ing Base Service Quality assurance in RDM processes and metrics for FAIR data (S-1) is to provide an engineering-specific customized DMP template. To create a customized template specific to requirements in engineering, the NFDI4Ing Base Service collaborates internationally with the RDA Working Group Discipline-Specific Guidance for DMP. A key activity in 2021 was to design and conduct a survey that covers “the current state of disciplinary-specific data management practices, knowledge or service gaps and overlaps between disciplines” (read more).
In a first step, the NFDI4Ing Base Service S-1 uses the RDA survey to identify the engineering-specific contents and expand upon them in meetings of the NFDI4Ing special interest group (SIG) Quality Assurance and FAIR Metrics. The general evaluation of the survey is not yet finished, but we can share some preliminary results.
The RDA WG DSGforDMP asked about the issue of licenses, and here we are very pleased to see that almost 64% of engineers give out licenses. Most of them are open licenses.

SIG Quality Assurance and FAIR Metrics