The alpha is here!
For some time now, we presented the concept of JARVES, a digital RDM assistant, as a theoretical construct. Now, we are proud to announce that JARVES is available as an alpha demo at https://jarves.nfdi4ing.de!
While many of JARVES‘ planned functionalities are already implemented, its development is still in progress. We presented this alpha version at the 112th Bibliocon in Hamburg on June 5th to a wider audience. It comprises collaboration interfaces, trainings and partial guidance, which will be further enhanced in future updates along with more explicit content for research data management (RDM) tasks and further automation.
Everyone is invited to try out the tool and give feedback through the Feedback button on the page!
One process to fit them all
How it is possible to integrate RDM into research activities? We answered this question in our newest publication “Matching Data Life Cycle and Research Processes in Engineering Sciences”. The answer is a multi-layered process which looks like a waterfall model from the outside but includes iterative phases and steps. The publication will be available on ing.grid’s preprint server very soon.
In this publication, we illustrate current research and RDM process-models, explore researchers’ perspectives on research processes and RDM demands, and derive a process for RDM to fit those boundaries.
JARVES inherits this process to support and augment RDM along researchers activities. Based on that, RDM becomes adaptable and applicable, making it easier than ever before to be integrated into the researchers workroutine. While Jarves focuses on engineering sciences, a broader audience could possibly relate to it. Let us know your feedback via jarves@nfdi4ing.tu-darmstadt.de.
What lies ahead
We have published the source code of JARVES on GitLab (https://git.rwth-aachen.de/nfdi4ing/ta-frank/jarves/software) to allow a broad participation and connectivity. Furthermore, JARVES’ development will be based on the same scientific basis as its recent released alpha version. A broader survey on the underlying process, the functionalities and applicability will be part of further publications and implementations of JARVES. In that way, we aim for a well-documented and peer-reviewed scientific product for the research community to use and build upon.
Tobias Hamann
Jonas Werheid