NFDI4Ing base services proposals approved!

In its last meeting on April 12th, the NFDI Consortia Assembly approved three further basic service initiatives NFDI4Ing is heavily involved in: DMP4NFDI, Jupyter4NFDI, KGI4NFDI.

In its last meeting on April 12th, the NFDI Consortia Assembly approved three further basic service initiatives NFDI4Ing is heavily involved in: DMP4NFDI, Jupyter4NFDI, KGI4NFDI.

You can find an overview on approved projects in Base4NFDI here:

DMP4NFDI is now in its initialization phase – the next step in building a NFDI-wide basic service for data management plans (DMPs). DMP4NFDI is modelled on the NFDI4Ing RDMO service and will support other consortia with RDMO hosting, template development and training. An important task is the planned standardization for data management plans across the NFDI consortia by creating a DMP template framework. The service will improve the machine-actionability of DMPs in RDMO and develop integrations together with several consortia who agreed to be pilot users during the first one-year phase. The basic service initiative is a cooperation between NFDI4Ing, NFDI4Chem and NFDI4Microbiota, supported by several additional consortia during its initialization phase.

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