Save the date – NFDI4Ing Community Meeting for mechanical and production engineering

You are interested in mechanical or production engineering and in topics related to data management? Then the Community Meeting of the CC-41 is the perfect place to inform yourself about (research) data management in this subject area!

The NFDI4Ing Community Meeting for engineers working in mechanical and production engineering (CC-41) is taking place on 03.03.2022 – free and open to all.

Save the date invitation for the CC-41 Community Meeting 2022
M. Moser, T. Hamann

You are interested in mechanical or production engineering and in topics related to data management? Then the Community Meeting of the CC-41 is the perfect place to inform yourself about (research) data management in this subject area!

Save the date – March 2022 starts big with the NFDI4Ing Community Meeting for the subject areas mechanical and production engineering (CC-41). We will provide talks on various research data management topics as well as offer a unique opportunity to build your network and exchange ideas and experiences with people from your community.

When: Thursday, 03.03.2022, approx. 09:00 – 17:00

Where: Virtual

Who:   The event is open to all interested parties, particularly researchers and participants in RDM related to mechanical and/or production engineering.

Costs:   Participation in the event is free

Detailed information regarding the agenda and registration process can be found at If you would like to contribute to the event, e.g. by giving a talk or hosting a workshop, you can contact us by following the link above. Every topic related to (research) data management in the context of mechanical or production engineering is welcome.

If you are curious about the event or would like to ask us something, feel free to contact us via the given form on the linked page above.

We are looking forward to an interesting meeting with our community. Feel free to save the date March 3rd, 2022 to your calendar and forward this news to everyone interested!

M. Moser, T. Hamann

German translation

Anfang März nächsten Jahres ist es soweit: Wir laden alle Interessierten zum Community Meeting des Fachbereichs Maschinenbau und Produktionstechnik (CC-41) zu Vorträgen, zur Vernetzung sowie zum Austausch über Stand und Zukunft des Forschungsdaten-managements ein.

Wann: Donnerstag, den 03.03.2022, ca. 09:00 – 17:00 Uhr

Wo:     Virtuell

Wer:    Die Veranstaltung ist offen für alle Interessierten, insbesondere für Forschende und Aktive im FDM aus Maschinenbau und Produktionstechnik.

Kosten: Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos

Detaillierte Informationen zur Agenda und zur Anmeldung finden sich unter Dort können Sie bereits Beiträge einreichen. Sämtliche Formate und Fragestellungen rund um das Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement in Maschinenbau und Produktionstechnik sind herzlich willkommen. Fragen beantworten wir Ihnen gerne über das dort verlinkte Kontaktformular.

Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie sich den 03.03.2022 schon jetzt vormerken und die Informationen an weitere Interessierte weiterleiten. 

M. Moser, T. Hamann