News 2.0 - NFDI4Ing

News & events from NFDI4Ing -
Research Data Management in engineering

General Infos

Here you can find the latest updates on NFDI4Ing as well as an archive of previous news and newsletter entries and past events.


NFDI4Ing provides infrastructure, best practices and templates to make research software and its development more replicable and reproducible while improving the quality of the written code. For the further improvement of the our RDM knowledge base and our JupyterHub prototype,
For the quality assurance of research data management, NFDI4Ing has developed maturity models that enable researchers to assess the implementation of data management in their research projects.
With our benchmark suite we investigated object storages. Based on the results, we compiled usage guidelines to improve transfer speeds and continuously monitor connection quality.
JARVES launched its alpha phase during the 112th Bibliocon in Hamburg. Meanwhile, the underlying research process is published as a paper in ing.grid. Read more on JARVES, your digital data steward!
In his recently published doctoral thesis, Nico Brandt analyses various use cases from the engineering sciences and discusses the development of a suitable research data infrastructure.

Upcoming events

The next meeting of the NFDI4Ing SIG QA&metrics is on 26th July at 09:00.
The NFDI4Ing conference 2024 will take place on the 18th & 19th September as a virtual event. The call for proposals is now open!

News archive

A new publication discusses possible future roles of Data Management Plans (DMPs), templates, and tools in the upcoming NFDI service architecture. This position paper summarises ideas developed and collected during interdisciplinary workshops of the Data Management Planning Working Group (infra-dmp),
Last year, we invited the engineering communities to topical community meetings, six in total. Starting with 2024, we switch from topical to "arche-topical" community meetings, representing the NFDI4Ing archetypes. We kick things off with BETTY, our archetype focused on engineering
To fight the reproducibility crisis in science, the NFDI4Ing task area ALEX is developing PlotSerializer - a Python package for serializing scientific diagrams from popular libraries like matplotlib to json.
The NFDI4Ing Metadata Profile Service is a platform that facilitates creation, curation and sharing of metadata profiles. The profiles are based on the W3C recommendation SHACL and can be created in a graphical user interface by selecting suitable terms from
Ideally, researchers can incorporate existing, established and tested research software into their own work. BETTY tries to help researchers in finding existing software suitable for their needs, developing new software, and publishing software artifacts in a sustainable and reproducible way.

Past events

The next meeting of the NFDI4Ing SIG QA&metrics is on 26th July at 09:00.
On July 25th a NFDI4Ing Community Meeting will focus on the challenges, solutions and services of our archetype FRANK, who mainly works in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and with heterogeneous data sources.
Working meeting of the SIG RDM Training & Education to design the NFDI4Ing learning platform on Friday, 07.06.2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
The NFDI4Ing Community Meeting focused on our archetype ELLEN will take place June 6th, 2024.
Working meeting of the SIG RDM Training & Education to design the NFDI4Ing learning platform on Friday, 03.05.2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.