News and updates from NFDI4Ing
NFDI4Ing News 2/2022

Welcome to the second issue of the NFDI4Ing News providing updates and highlights from NFDI4Ing, the consortium representing the engineering sciences in the German National Research Data Infrastructure initiative (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur - NFDI)!

We want to apologise for the technical difficulties surrounding the launch of the first issue. All problems should now be fixed. Unfortunately, we had to reset our subscriber list after sending the first issue. To avoid you having to repeat the subscription process, we added members of NFDI4Ing governing bodies and previously confirmed subscribers by hand.

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Darmstadt, 30.03.2022

Survey results: the current state of authentication and authorization infrastructures across the NFDI consortia
Together with the NFDI Task Force Tools for AAI and the FAIR Data Spaces project, we conducted a survey to assess the current state of AAI technologies in the NFDI.
News from DORIS – Test cases, tool development and community outreach in HPMC
How can large data from high-performance measurement and computation (HPMC) become accessible for the research community? How can this data be processed or transferred? What are the possibilities for storage,…
Meet the ing.grid editorial board! - On The Way Towards FAIR Data Management in Engineering Sciences
ing.grid is a peer-reviewed open access journal currently in development, that provides a forum for engineers of all disciplines concerned with data management to share and exchange their knowledge.
Results and impressions from the first community meeting of Transport Research, Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
The German communities of Transport Research, Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering met on March 3rd to discuss issues related to the collection, handling and subsequent use of research data.
Call for participants: the NFDI4Ing Community Survey
NFDI4Ing will soon launch a survey on the topic of research data management (RDM) in the engineering sciences.
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NFDI4Ing - Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für die Ingenieurwissenschaften
Contact: Publisher: RWTH Aachen University Templergraben 55 52062 Aachen (street address) 52056 Aachen (mailing address) Web: