NFDI4Ing Forum: Data Curation 1×1 for Engineering Libraries

Information facilities and libraries in the engineering sciences are nowadays caught between their existing library services and new, mostly digital, fields of activity. One of these digital fields of activity is support for research data management. Research data is created in the engineering sciences by a wide variety of different scenarios: This includes complex experiments with many variables, using special research software, high-performance computers, or experiments with many participants, distributed systems and heterogeneous field data. They are gaining more and more importance as an independent scientific output category and should be made available to the public. In order to manage research data in such a way that the data is and remains usable, various activities of research data management must be carried out, i.e., the so-called data curation. Information facilities and libraries are distinguished infrastructure operators and can establish themselves as competent service providers or multipliers in the field of data curation. Data curation enables the searching, finding, and retrieval of data as well as its quality preservation, added value, and re-use over time.

The web seminar “Data Curation 101 for Engineering Libraries” aims to enable especially smaller scientific libraries and institute libraries in the field of data curation and to provide the necessary knowledge for this purpose.

Learning objectives:
– As a staff member of an information facility, an institute library of engineering sciences, you can argue about the challenges research data management poses to scientists.
– You will have a good overview about the librarian basics of research data management.
– You will be able to assess what requirements exist at your institute and how you can support them with local library services.
– You will be able to exchange information with other experts.

Introduction to Research Data Management
– What is research data management? What is research data?
– Research data life cycle
– FAIR Principles
– Research data repositories
– Metadata

Legal framework for research data management
– Data protection
– Anonymization
– Copyright

Planning of data management
– Relevant aspects
– Data management plans

Documentation of research data
– Metadata standards
– Best Practice
– Versioning

Publication of research data
– Publication types
– Licensing

Data archiving
– Requirements
– Criteria of suitable file formats
– Suitable file formats

Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for exchange and discussion on the topic “Role of engineering libraries in the field of research data management”.

If you would like to participate, please contact us via using Subject: NFDI4Ing Forum 23.06.


NFDI4ING services may be relevant to different users according to varying requirements. To support filtering or sorting, we added a tag system outlining which archetype, phase of the data lifecycle, or degree of maturity a service corresponds to. By clicking on one of the tags below, you can get an overview of all services aligned with each tag.

This service has the following tags:

The tags correspond to:
The Archetypes: Services relevant to Alex – Bespoke Experiments, Betty – Research Software Engineering, Caden – Provenance Tracking, Doris – High Performance Computing, Ellen – Complex Systems, Fiona – Data Re-Use and Enrichment

The data lifecycle: Services related to Informing & Planning, Organising & Processing, Describing & Documenting, Storing & Computing,
Finding & Re-Using, Learning & Teaching

The maturity of the service: Services sorted according to their maturity and status of their integration into the larger NFDI service landscape. For this we use the Integration Readiness Level (IRL), ranging from IRL0 (no specifications, strictly internal use) up to IRL4 (fully integrated in the German research data landscape and the EOSC). Click here for a diagram outlining all Integration Readiness Levels.