FAIR4Chem Award 2022

The consortium NFDI4Chem announced the <b>FAIR4Chem Award 2022</b>. The award honours researchers in chemistry who publish their research data in accordance with FAIR principles. The prize money is 500€, provided by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI). The award will be presented at the JCF Frühjahrssymposium 2022, including a talk on the winning dataset by the awardee.

Datasets can be submitted from October 15 to December 15, 2021. For more information on the FAIR4Chem Award, check out the FAIR4Chem website.


NFDI4ING services may be relevant to different users according to varying requirements. To support filtering or sorting, we added a tag system outlining which archetype, phase of the data lifecycle, or degree of maturity a service corresponds to. By clicking on one of the tags below, you can get an overview of all services aligned with each tag.

This service has the following tags:

The tags correspond to:
The Archetypes: Services relevant to Alex – Bespoke Experiments, Betty – Research Software Engineering, Caden – Provenance Tracking, Doris – High Performance Computing, Ellen – Complex Systems, Fiona – Data Re-Use and Enrichment

The data lifecycle: Services related to Informing & Planning, Organising & Processing, Describing & Documenting, Storing & Computing,
Finding & Re-Using, Learning & Teaching

The maturity of the service: Services sorted according to their maturity and status of their integration into the larger NFDI service landscape. For this we use the Integration Readiness Level (IRL), ranging from IRL0 (no specifications, strictly internal use) up to IRL4 (fully integrated in the German research data landscape and the EOSC). Click here for a diagram outlining all Integration Readiness Levels.